Words, words, words, words.
1) “borrow”
A bad joke is worth a lengthy explanation: “Can I borrow an egg?” “Will you return it?”
If returning the item is not an option, “borrow” can sound strange.
(Unlike native speakers, Slovenians rarely mix up “borrow” and “lend.”)
2) Note the difference between “sure” and “surely.”
a) “This passage sure is meant to be ironic.” (slang) b) “The story is surely meant to be ironic.” (a suggestion)
3) Instead of “persuade not to do,” write “dissuade from doing”
“I dissuaded him from wearing my butterfly hat to the party.”
4) “revolves around” but “evolves from”
“We all evolved from mud, or at least most of us did.”
“The story revolves around a tedious love triangle.”
The rest of the tips are available at: http://www2.arnes.si/~bjason/LW%20tips.pdf