Vol. 21 No. 1 (2024): English Studies at the Dawn of the 21st Century

We are proud to announce the latest issue of ELOPE. The special issue, guest edited by Bernarda Leva, Simon Zupan and Nastja Prajnč Kacijan, is a collection of sixteen studies reflecting a blend of continuity and innovation in English Studies. It presents research on diverse themes such as language, literature, translation, and the pandemic’s effects on education and drama, underscoring the resilience and adaptability of English Studies.

Link: ELOPE Vol. 21, No. 1: English Studies at the Dawn of the 21st Century

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Call for Papers: ELOPE, Vol. 21, No. 1 (June 2024)

ELOPE guest editors, Bernarda Leva, Nastja Prajnč Kacijan and Simon Zupan, warmly invite contributors to submit original research for the June 2024 issue of ELOPE, Absolutely Gabulous: Celebrating English Studies for the 21st Century.

The conference which took place under the same title in September 2023 at University of Maribor examined the current state of English Studies, shedding light on the English language, Anglophone literature, teaching, stylistics, translation and many subdisciplines in the post-pandemic era. The editors encourage speakers from the conference to consider submitting papers based on their presentations at the conference for publication in ELOPE. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

• English language
• Literatures in English
• English Language Teaching
• Cultural Studies
• Translation Studies
• Stylistics
• English Studies and AI
• Or other related (sub)disciplines.

The language of contributions is English. Papers should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length, with an abstract of no more than 150 words. They should conform to the author guidelines available here, and should be submitted via the ELOPE platform available here. Any technical inquiries can be sent to Andrej Stopar (andrej.stopar@ff.uni-lj.si). The abstract submission deadline is 31 January 2024.

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6th International SDAŠ Conference

Absolutely Gabulous: Celebrating English Studies for the 21st Century

More about the conference here.

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Call for Papers: ELOPE, Spring 2021 (Vol. 18, No. 2) Special Issue

Translating in Theory and Action: Contemporary Contexts in Translation

Cross-cultural communication is one of the challenges of our increasingly connected world, and diverse modes of translation play an important role in meeting this challenge. Given the prominent role of English in international communication, questions concerning the relation between translation and the global lingua franca are foregrounded. This special issue of ELOPE will examine the contemporary contexts of translation from and into English, and the concomitant theoretical and practical challenges. It will focus on fostering interdisciplinary dialogue between Translation Studies and the study of English by investigating the complexities of translation through diverse perspectives and research paradigms.

For this special issue (Vol. 18, No. 1, 2021), the guest editors, Nataša Hirci, Agnes Pisanski Peterlin and Simon Zupan, warmly invite contributors to submit original research in all areas pertaining to translation, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • translating literature,
  • translation and language,
  • translator and interpreter training,
  • conference interpreting,
  • cross-cultural mediation,
  • technology and multimedia,
  • and interdisciplinary approaches.

Submission deadline: 8 January 2021

Submission guidelines:

The language of contributions is English. Papers should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length, with an abstract of about 150 words.

Manuscripts should be submitted for blind review in electronic form using the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana) OJS platform. All submitted papers must follow Author Guidelines. Any inquiries can be sent to the editors:

Nataša Hirci (natasa.hirci@guest.arnes.si)

Agnes Pisanski Peterlin (neza.pisanski@guest.arnes.si)

Simon Zupan (simon.zupan@um.si)

More here: Announcements | ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries (uni-lj.si)

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ELOPE Vol. 17 (No. 1 and No. 2)

The Association is proud to announce the successful publication of two volumes of the journal ELOPE in 2020.

ELOPE 17 (1)

ELOPE Vol. 17, No. 1 (Atwood at 80, Eds. Michelle Gadpaille and Jason Blake) is a special issue dedicated to Margaret Atwood.

When Margaret Atwood celebrated her 80th birthday in November 2019, there was a feeling that the occasion called for a burst of applause – figuratively speaking. Around Europe, many Canadian scholars and Canadian Studies Associations responded with a range of activities. Slovenia contributed handsomely: first, with an event at the Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor – Fourscore and More: Margaret Atwood at Eighty – and second, with this special issue dedicated to Atwood’s recent work.

Read the articles here: Vol 17 No 1 (2020): Atwood at 80 | ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries (uni-lj.si).

ELOPE Vol. 17, No. 2 (2020)

ELOPE Vol. 17, No. 2 (2020, Eds. Smiljana Komar and Mojca Krevel) presents fifteen original articles addressing matters pertaining to the English language, literature, ELT, and translation. 

Read the articles here: Vol 17 No 2 (2020): ELOPE Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020) | ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries (uni-lj.si).

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SDAŠ 2019 Conference

Please see the details about the conference here.

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SDAŠ Conference Ljubljana 2019

Call for Papers

A Hundred Years, A Thousand Meanings

To mark the centennial jubilee of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Faculty of Arts and the Slovene Association for the Study of English are organizing an international conference. Entitled A Hundred Years, A Thousand Meanings, the 5th SDAŠ conference will take place from 19th to 21st September 2019 at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.

As the title suggests, the conference welcomes a critical discussion on the topics related to the development of anglophone studies over the last century, their place in the globalized societies of today, as well as the directions they may take in the future.

Proposals for papers are invited in the fields of literatures in English, linguistics, translation/interpreting, English language teaching, English for specific purposes, and cultural studies. Interdisciplinary research is strongly encouraged to convey as broad a range of insights as possible.

Plenary Speakers

We are honoured to confirm the following plenary speakers:

  • Michael Ashby, University College London, United Kingdom
  • Patricia Ashby, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
  • Lieven Buysee, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Alberto Lázaro, University of Alcalá, Spain

Proposal Submission

You are welcome to submit a proposal for a 20-minute presentation addressing the above topics. Abstracts of between 200 and 300 words can be submitted using Easychair. The due date for the submission of abstracts is 25th February 2019. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their proposal by 1st June 2019. A selection of (reworked and expanded) papers presented at the conference will be published in the academic journal ELOPE.

Conference fee

  • EUR 120: regular
  • EUR 60: student (please email a copy of student ID)
  • EUR 100: regular, SDAŠ members
  • EUR 50: student, SDAŠ members (please email a copy of student ID)
  • EUR 40: late registration fee (to be added to all registration fees after 15 July 2019)
  • EUR 50: single day registration (non-participating visitors only)
  • EUR 40: single day registration for members of the University of Ljubljana Alumni Clubs Association

Any enquiries can be addressed to sdas@ff.uni-lj.si.

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CFP: ELOPE Vol. 16, No. 1, 2019

A new call for papers has been posted on the official webpage of ELOPE: Link.

Submissions welcome!

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SDAŠ 2019: A Hundred Years, A Thousand Meanings – CFP Coming Soon

The Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Slovene Association for the Study of English (SDAŠ) are proud to announce the conference SDAŠ 2019: A Hundred Years, A Thousand Meanings. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana from 19th to 21st September 2019.

Further details and the official Call for Papers will be posted shortly.

Conference webpage: sdas.ff.uni-lj.si

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ELOPE 15 (1)

You are kindly invited to read the latest issue of ELOPE.

ELOPE Vol. 15, No. 1 is titled Sci-Fi Live:

“[W]hat if they gave an apocalypse and nobody noticed?” was the question that Brooks Landon (1991, 239) proposed as the central thematic concern of the 1980s cyberpunk – a movement which today represents a landmark in the development of the science fiction genre. Diverse as they are in their focus and scope, the contributions to this issue of ELOPE, dedicated to the position and role of speculative fiction, and especially science fiction, in a world which is increasingly becoming speculative and science fictional, invariably demonstrate that an apocalypse did indeed take place and went by largely unnoticed.

The topic of the special issue was tackled by Mojca Krevel (ed.) and authors Michelle Gadpaille, Victor Kennedy, Anamarija Šporčič, Antonia Leach, Heather Duncan, Urša Vogrinc Javoršek, and Pablo Gómez Muñoz. Ljubica Matek contributed a book review.

ELOPE Vol. 15 No. 1 - Cover

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