ELOPE XI – Spring has arrived. SDAŠ members and the authors will be receiving their free copies this week!
Congratulations to the journal editors ( Smiljana Komar, Uroš Mozetič), the guest editors (Tomaž Onič and Simon Zupan), and the authors: Tina Cupar, Alenka Valh Lopert, Michelle Gadpaille, Nursen Gömceli, Klementina Jurančič Petek, Primož Jurko, Victor Kennedy, Melita Kukovec, Frančiška Lipovšek, Katja Plemenitaš, Janez Skela, Simon Zupan and Marko Štefanič.
Soon, ELOPE XI – Spring will also be available on-line. Meanwhile, feel free to browse the past issues of ELOPE: http://www.sdas.edus.si/elope.html
(Skupno 60 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)