ELOPE Vol. XI – Autumn (Journal Eds. Smiljana Komar and Uroš Mozetič, Volume Ed. Andrej Stopar)

We are proud to announce the new issue of the academic journal ELOPE (English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries).

ELOPE Vol. XI – Autumn (Journal Eds. Smiljana Komar and Uroš Mozetič, Volume Ed. Andrej Stopar) is already available on-line (http://www.sdas.edus.si/vol11-2.html) and includes articles by:

– Dušan Gabrovšek (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts),
– Uroš Martinčič (Slovenia),
– Lidija Štrmelj (University of Zadar),
– Vesna Ukić Košta (University of Zadar),
Lisa Botshon (University of Maine at Augusta),
– Nataša Gajšt (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business),
– Gabrijela Petra Nagode, Karmen Pizorn, and Mojca Juriševič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education), and
– Uroš Mozetič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts).

You are also invited to explore other volumes of ELOPE here: http://www.sdas.edus.si/elope.html.

ELOPE XI - Autumn

ELOPE XI – Autumn

(Skupno 40 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)
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