Publication of ELOPE Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017)

We are proud to announce the publication of ELOPE Vol. 14 No. 2 (2017). The online version of the journal can be found here:


The new volume presents original research in the fields of English linguistics, literature and language teaching by Ivo Fabijanić, Marko Hladnik, Lahoucine Aammari, Emmanuel Idowu Adeniyi, Alberto Lázaro, Ivana Cindrić, Snježana Pavić, Darija Skubic and Mateja Dagarin Fojkar. The editorial team invites you to read their contributions, and submit your own for the future issues of ELOPE:


We  would also like to wish everyone a wonderful festive season.

(Skupno 41 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)
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